Hotel Denmark Provide a Floor for Women Full of Mirrors and Hair Dryers

There are just ideas Bella Sky Hotel, Copenhagen, Denmark. Hotel management is the policy to open a floor exclusively for women.

The floor was nicknamed 'Bella Donna', there are 20 women's rooms are decorated. Men are not allowed to enter this floor. "No man is allowed to enter this floor, unless the firefighters," said the head of Bella Sky Hotel Manager, Anders Dueland, as quoted, Wednesday (23/11).

Anders said the women's floor is complete with a room full of scented flowers. The bathroom was made ​​wider than the bathroom in general. Then, many mirrors in it, and hair dryers. "So far, our guests are so pleased with the service," he said.

Despite great success, the Sky Hotel Bella received protests from the Gender Equality Council of Denmark. The protest started with a report of a hotel guest who complained of discrimination.

"Because men are not allowed to have access to all floors, is a form of discrimination. It's illegal," the official statement of the Council.

Susanne Fischer, a lawyer for the Council, told Sky Hotel Bella will not face administrative sanctions related to the case. Therefore, the Board has no authority to impose sanctions.

However, the hotel management had been instructed to lift the ban on men's access to the floor of Bella Donna. If violated, the plaintiff may bring the case to civil court

In response, Dueland said the hotel management reserves the right to determine who is staying at his hotel. "We have 814 other rooms and there are 20 of them for women. That means there are 794 rooms for everyone," he said.

In Denmark, he added, become the norm for public space set aside for women. One of them is the swimming pool. "Does that include discrimination. I do not understand the Board's decision," he concluded.

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